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How to schedule Posts in Bulk on the Social Planner (CSV)

How to schedule Posts in Bulk on the Social Planner (CSV)

February 03, 20235 min read

Scheduling Social Media posts in bulk with the help of a CSV file can be the most optimal time-saving technique for scheduling in advance for the social journey. CSV is a “comma-separated values” file that allows you to save your information in a structured way. 

Download a sample CSV

Covered in this Article

Bulk Scheduling Posts on the Social Planner:


1. Date and Time Column: 

2. Content Column

3. Preview link:

4. Image Url

5. Gif Url 

6. Video Url 

How to Bulk Schedule Posts on the Social Planner:


What is the number of posts allowed via CSV at one time?

How can I solve the errors for posts?

What is the difference between CSV upload and post composer tag in list view?

Bulk Scheduling Posts on the Social Planner:

As your Social Media Marketing grows and you have to post across various Social Media Platforms on a larger scale without manually doing it post by post, the Bulk Scheduling posts on the Social Planner capability will allow you to do just that.

You will need to make sure that the CSV file you import into the Social Planner follows a set of prerequisites.


This video explains in detail how your CSV needs to be set up before you can import it into the Social Planner to bulk schedule posts.


Download a sample CSV

1. Date and Time Column: 

In this column, you can type in the date and time when you want to share your post. In this column, you must format the date exactly how you see it at the top of the column: YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm:ss (One space between the date and time). If the date column is empty, it will be considered in the Draft.

The Column Header of this column must be exactly as mentioned in the Sample CSV as shown in the video, 

it should be as follows:

postAtSpecificTime (yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss) 

It is highly recommended to have all the scheduled times be at least 10 minutes after the time when you are 

uploading the CSV. 

For example, if the scheduled date/time for the post is  2023-10-14 15:00:00. This means that the CSV should be 

uploaded no later than October 14th, 2023 at 2:50PM.

Please Note:

The schedule time formatting works in 24-hour format, not 12-hour. If you have difficulties with this, you can use this tool for assistance.

2. Content Column

In this column, you can type in or paste what you want to appear as the caption of your post, you can add 

Hashtags too. The Column header of this column should be written as follows:


The caption must abide by the social media post character limit rules you are scheduling it for.

Please Note: 

Facebook Page/Group - 62000 characters
Business Instagram Account - 2200 characters
LinkedIn Page and Profile - 3000 characters
Twitter Profile - 280 characters
GMB Location - 1500 characters

3. Preview link:

In this column, you can type the URL or paste the URL that you want to appear as the link preview of your post.

The Column header of this column must be written as follows:

link (OGmetaUrl) 

Please Note:

If the other media rows like images, GIF or Video are filled in, they will override the link(OGmetaUrl). It will be appended to content column as a link.

4. Image Url

In this column, you can paste what you want to appear as the image of your post. The column header

should be written as follows:


You can add multiple image URLs with commas separated. The image link must be in proper formats like png or 

jpeg/jpg and other aspects for image supported based on the social media platform. The maximum number of 

images supported is 10 image(s).

Please Note:

Learn more about image dimension and size for different social media platform here.
This same article applies for videos and gifs.

5. Gif Url 

In this column, you can paste what you want to appear as the GIF of your post. The Column header of this column 

should be written as follows:


Please Note: 

You must not fill in any other media-related column if you added a link here. (eg. link, imageUrls, videoUrls). 

6. Video Url 

In this column, you can paste what you want to appear as the video of your post. The Column header of this column 

must be written as follows:


You can add multiple Video URLs here comma separated. The maximum number of videos supported for one post is 10 videos at a time.

Please Note:

You must not fill in any other media-related column if you added a link here.  

How to Bulk Schedule Posts on the Social Planner:

Here are the steps for bulk scheduling with a CSV file in the Social Planner.

  1. Go to the Social Planner click on New Post and then click on Upload the CSV

  2. Upload the CSV with the details of the post.

  3. Select the Socials for bulk scheduling

  4. Check the status of the CSV
    - In Progress - CSV file is being processed for the content, links, images, and videos.
    - In Review and Schedule - The user can review the details and can make changes to the post with errors or change the details of posts.

  5. Review and Schedule the CSV

Please Note:

If there are any errors with any of the posts that you are trying to import, it will display that in this view:Once you maximize this view it will show you the details of the error:

6. Once you have resolved the errors or removed the posts with errors in them, you can Import Posts to the Social Planner:

7. It will show you in the Social Planner dashboard which posts came in via CSV upload and which ones came in via the Post Composer:


What is the number of posts allowed via CSV at one time?

The number of posts allowed in CSV is 90 posts per CSV. You will need to divide that across all the Social outlets you are posting out to.

How can I solve the errors for posts?

Click on the icon at the list of posts with errors, it will expand to show the post preview along with the errors. It is necessary to solve the errors to post successfully.

What is the difference between CSV upload and post composer tag in list view?

Each post in Social Planner can be created with bulk scheduling with CSV and created from blank with post composer.

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Erwin Caguiat

Social Media

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